How white out contacts can work wonders for any fancy dress look
Dressing up for a Halloween, Cosplay or Fancy Dress party just got way more freaky. There’s some powerful transforming magic in a wicked pair of white out contacts.
When you want a look that is stunning or even straight out chockful of shock value, you can’t go past a set of white eye contacts. They’re ghostly gorgeous and make any costume you’re wearing look all the more impressive.
- Yes, they look nothing else you’ve seen
- Yes, you look like a supernatural being
- Yes, yes, yes, you can wear them for one night/day, a month, three months or get yearly versions of these weird and wonderful colored contacts.
The choice of how and when you wear them is all up to you (and your conscience). Remember that you have some powerfully scary look going on when you wear the right white colored contacts.
Answering the most common questions about white out contacts
It’s not really a huge surprise to know that freaky lenses like white eye contacts bring out some weird theories and oddball questions.
The first and most clichéd question is ‘Can you see through white contacts?’.
Luckily the answer is YES.
Your vision could be slightly impaired but it will be minimal at best. If any colored contacts cover over your pupil, then you will have trouble seeing.
Make sure you buy proper quality colored contact lenses and not some dodgy ones you can get from heaven knows where they are made.
Another question is – ‘Can I wear white eye contacts if my eyes are dark?’
Lucky you and it’s a YES here too. The difference you can get will depend on how dark or light your eyes are and your skin tone as well. The more dramatic the difference, the stronger the effect.
‘Will white colored contacts affect the natural color of my eyes?’
The answer to this one is a big, fat NO!
The affect is only for the time you wear the white lenses. It’s important that you follow the instructions and only wear colored contacts for up to 8 hours. Your eye color won’t change then, but you could start to irritate your eyes and that’s not a good look.
Where to wear your white contacts
It might be a bit obvious but there is a time and place for wearing your white colored contacts.
- Halloween – get a super scary look with your white contacts. They are especially hard-hitting with ghostly make-up or skeleton styles. They can really bring out the blood red of any fake scars and stitches.
- Cosplay – a winning look for any character with freaky eyes. This is when white out or white colored lenses really pack a punch.
- Extreme Fashion – you can add a special ingredient to your outfit with the right colored contacts and the white versions are definitely going to get you noticed.
- Job interviews are NOT the place to wear white contacts. While you will definitely get noticed and will be remembered but for all the wrong reasons (unless, of course, it’s for an acting role or one of those ghost themed restaurants)
The whole thing about white contact lenses is that there is no colour at all in them.
Just think for a minute – all white eyes – nothing natural about them.
Remember that when you put your lenses in the first time. You want to make sure you are calm and relaxed because there is a very real chance you will let out one hell of a shriek or scream (and that’s just the guys!).
How to get that killer look happening
There might be a few places that you can get white contacts but there’s only really one place that has the top quality colored lenses that you need.
The name to remember is Colour Your Eyes.
There’s a pretty extensive but inexpensive range of fantastic white colored lenses including the super powerful white out contacts that are frighteningly fabulous.
The quality is unmatched. We’re talking about UK Made and EU quality certified. That’s why these little beauties are such a huge hit.
Make your Halloween, Cosplay or Fancy Dress outfit a winner with the best in colored contacts.
All you have to do is Colour Your Eyes.